
Image production

Services Enquiry

From photo to image

The art of photography is about looking for a motif, composing the shot and pushing the shutter at exactly the right instant. The art of Tricolor is to make the captured moment visible in a specific, special way.

Tricolor has the eye and the awareness to draw out the essence of the raw photographic material and unveil it to the world. Tricolor has the experience, the tools and the expertise to produce images that have maximum effect. For a gallery, museum or limited edition run. For a culture magazine or promotional poster. For corporate application or private use.

From  photo  to image

Personal Consultation

In communication with clients, Nora Howald and Alex Goldsmith conceive ways to bring ideas to fruition and find solutions to unresolved issues. They serve as the intermediaries between emotional language and visual language. And they are personally responsible for producing the images in the laboratory.

In an initial consultation, they discuss the techniques, formats and paper that are best suited for you. Thickness, surface, gloss grade. Of course, discussion about a project may end up leading in a different direction to the one originally intended. Maximum impact and optimum results are what count.

Filmdevelopment and Digitalisation

With analogue photographs, the first stage of processing involves developing (starts at 8.-) the exposed film using a chemical mixture. Depending on the purpose, this is followed by enlarging the image via traditional means or scanning the negative, resulting in a data set that can be subsequently edited using computer software – in digital photography, this data set is created immediately upon taking the photo.

Whether it is monograph production, the reuse of existing material, or the archiving of a collection, we exclusively use high-end drum scanners for image digitalisation. Resolutions of up to 7000 dpi are available.

Image Editing

Image editing activities run the gamut from exposure and colour correction to content manipulation, or even obscuring the image to the extent that it bears almost no resemblance to the original.

At Tricolor, the focus is on using digital image editing tools to subtly enhance the mood of a composition, the style of a series of images and the visual identity of the photograph at hand. Digital image files are precisely prepared for exposure onto photographic paper or for printing the image onto a specific output medium.


Our 50 m2 darkroom for traditional manual enlargement is the beating heart of Tricolor. In parallel to this, we work according to the Lambda printing process, where image data is digitally exposed onto high-quality photographic paper via laser technology. It is 100% grid-free. One particular highlight is the unique brilliance of black & white prints on Ilford silver gelatin (baryta) paper.

Inkjet printing allows for the production of high resolution fine art archival prints up to 150 cm in width with colour-fast pigment inks, thereby offering myriad opportunities as far as substrate materials are concerned – from photographic and deckle-edged paper to ultra-thin foil and cardstock.

The moment between the Past and the Future

The presentation of the final exposures or prints is the ultimate confirmation of our efforts in the lab. Concurrently, we experience the final product for the first time through the eyes of the client – private and professional photographers, gallery owners, curators, advertisers, publishers and others. Tricolor is a living force in the world of photography.

The moment between the Past  and the Future